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Inspiration Hour (3)
Hello Sunshines! So my friend was talking to me and I told her how I'd hit a slump with my creativity and motivation to create. Being the...

Vamping Up My Graduation Cap
Hello Sunshines! It has been so long since my last super fun post that I figured it is time to share a fun craft project I took on with...

First Photoshoot Experience
Hello Sunshines! As some of you may already know, I had the opportunity to do my very first photoshoot for my designs recently. The...

College Visiting Tips
Hello Sunshines! As most of you know, I have been touring and deciding on which university I want to transfer to from the community...
Top 10 Christian Songs
Hello Sunshines! It has been a little while since I posted a "Top" music list for all of you to enjoy. I've been pretty obsessed with...

Broken Mirror (Part One)
Hello Sunshines! Today I want to get a little deeper and take a look at a piece of beauty within all of us. This is a part of a book I'm...
Preparing for the Next Steps
Hello Sunshines! I figured having a heart to heart talk with all of you is long overdo and honestly needed (mainly on my part). This time...

Fabric Inspiration Trip
Hey there Sunshines! Back in February (yep, that long ago), I went on shopping trip to Joann's Fabric Store and oh my word was my mind...

Setting Year Goals
Hey there Sunshines! We all know how the "New Years Resolutions" thing works. Everyone chooses something they want to change for the...

Artist Exercise
Hey there Sunshines! Recently I was asked to teach a friend how to design for a class of her's. At first I was like, "How in the world am...
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