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College Visiting Tips

Hello Sunshines!

As most of you know, I have been touring and deciding on which university I want to transfer to from the community college I am currently attending. To be completely honest, if it wasn't for 3 siblings going before me I wouldn't have a CLUE what to look for at a college.

So just to make your life much easier, here's some of my personal tips to use when you start the fun journey of touring colleges.

(P.S. The photos are from my own college visits!)

1. Compose a list of things that matter to you for a college.

You're going to be there for the first parts of your adult life usually, so make sure it includes everything that's important to you! (ie: My list included a Catholic organization, great fashion program, caring faculty, etc...)

2. Schedule an appointment with both (or either) an academic adviser and an adviser from your department.

Meeting an adviser from both the academic (for application help) and departmental (directed more towards classes and program of your choice) advisers helps you get an idea of the faculty.

3. Ask to get a tour of the program or to shadow another student in the same program you're interested in.

This should play a huge part in your decision!! I toured all the fashion schools in each of my choices to ensure I'd like the program.

4. Walk around campus yourself.

The student-lead tours are awesome, but ultimately you get the best feel of a campus atmosphere when you do your own "tour".

5. If there's a town close by, explore it!

Even though you're mostly on campus, getting a feel for the town(s) off of campus is a really important factor to play into your decision.

6. Look for potential businesses you'd like to work at.

Now this isn't on everyone's list, but when I considered a college I looked for several places who would hire a student.

7. Try the food, both on and off campus.

The food isn't the most important, but I prefer healthy and complete meals that actually taste like real food, so it was pretty vital I enjoyed the food.

8. Tour all the residence halls you're for sure wanting to live in!

9. Take lots of pictures.

Photos are going to come in handy when making a decision on which school you think is best for you. Especially when you're an out-of-state student.

10. Make a pro/con list of each of your schools to help you decide!

I don't think I could have made a decision without this list, I'll be honest here.

Enjoy some photos from both my ISU and MSU visits. :)

That's all I have for you!!

xoxo Sunshines!


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