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Letters to My Future Husband

Hello Sunshines!

If there is one thing I have always loved to do it is the art of writing letters. The traditional and romantic idea behind hand-writing a letter to someone you care about is beyond special to me. Now this could just be the hopeless romantic in me, but I know everyone loves to receive a letter.

With this in mind, my closest friend introduced the idea to me of writing letters to our future husbands. I instantly LOVED the idea and started right away. After almost 1 year of writing letters, I have written 7 letters. I want to pass along some tips to you and I hope you decide to try the idea!

Disclaimers before we start!

1). You don't have to be religious to do this! There's no where in the rule book of letter writing that you have to be affiliated with a religion to write a letter to your future husband.

2). This is not saying I know for sure I am getting married as my path. As a Catholic, I am open to any calling God has for me, but I still believe writing the letters as necessary for me.

3). This is NOT limited to just women, men are invited to write letters to their future wives as well.


1). Be open and honest. This isn't just any ordinary letter or your diary, it is a letter to your future spouse and you want them to really know what is going on.

2). Don't stick to the basics. With every letter you want to allow yourself to really dig deep and talk about topics you wouldn't necessarily talk about face to face. (ie: thoughts on controversial topics, inner struggles, etc...)

3). Limit yourself on how often you write your letters. Not saying your future hubby won't love receiving a stack of letters, but asking him to read a gallon-bag full might be overdoing it slightly.

4). Keep them organized. Make sure to date and even number your letters so they aren't read out of order of events, otherwise that could be...awkward. ;)

5). Be fancy. Just because the theme of the letter is serious doesn't mean you can't get creative with stationary, font, and ink!

There you have it! I hope you decide to start writing letters to your future husband after reading about how I do it and taking in some tips.

xoxo Sunshines!


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