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10 Tips to High School Graduates

Hello Sunshines!

Yesterday I came to the reality that I have been graduated from high school for 3 years. I know, I'm shocked too. This reality set the mood for what I wanted to blog about for this post.

High school graduation, it's a weird feeling after it's over and yet, you're not sure what to expect in the future and you feel as if the advice you receive is all the same. Well, sit back and grab your stress-free snacks because I'm here to help!


1). No idea what to do for the rest of your life? Don't stress, no sweat! I know there's a massive stigma that gets drilled into us that we have to decide who we wanna be and what we wanna do by the time we graduate. Bottom line? You don't! You're not tied down for life on a career and you definitely don't HAVE to know right away.

2). Community college is actually a great idea! I don't have any regrets from doing my freshman year at community college. You save tons of money, gives you a chance to figure out what you're interested in, busts you into the college world, and you can knock out those annoying gen eds. ;)

3). Remember to have fun! There are 2 types of freshman, those who party hard and those who mental breakdown hard. I was the hardcore stress bucket who didn't do a lot of fun things because of trying to keep a perfect 4.0 GPA.

What I wish I knew? CHILL OUT GIRL DANG! It doesn't matter which freshman you will be, learn to figure out a balance between the 2 and remember that having some fun is always a good idea (just don't let the grades suffer).

4. YOU decide what your college journey will be like. It doesn't matter if you spend it all in your room or spend it all outside, just remember that if you want a memorable college experience, it's all on you and only you.

5. Break the comfort zone and challenge your fears. You will never know if you have a hidden love for something until you go out and try what scares you the most. Example from me? I took up rock-climbing and ran a 5K! Another example? I took an art class that challenged my insecurities.

6. Don't try to be everyone else, be you. As cheesy as it is, I have to say it. It is so easy to fall into the track of trying to be the person who fits in with a group. Don't do it and fight it! You being you is so important.

7. Hate sports? Try them anyway! I found my love for Baseball and Football at college so far. Shockingly, college sport teams are so much more fun to watch.

8. Not everything will go your way and not right away. Sometimes you will get rejected, get your first B (or C or D), not find your fit in clubs, or find the right friends, it's okay I promise! In the end it will work out.

9. Dining hall food? Not what it is when you visit. I will admit, some schools have it down to a science. However, some days the food gods are just not in your favor at the dining halls. Just find your favorites and fall on those when everything else fails.

The final piece of advice I have is simple...

10. Leave the high school drama at graduation and start fresh at college.

And just for fun, remember to keep smiling! Your smile can make a huge difference in every day.

xoxo Sunshines!


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