Recycled Scarecrow
Hello Sunshines!
Back in October I had the opportunity to participate in a fashion show on my college campus which involved buying all our materials from a thrift store. It was free and an opportunity to showcase my creativity.
In my trip to the store I bought a 3-piece orange skirt suit, fake floral arrangement, hay wreath, flannel shirt, corduroy skirt, and black booties. I had no idea what I was going to do when I bought it and then I threw a few designs together. I ended up with deciding to be a feminine scarecrow.
Without further details, enjoy!
Step 1: The Top

a. I took the corduroy skirt and ripped the middle-back seam open. I ended up taking my chalk and tracing a shape I liked for the top. I pinned each shape and tried it on several times.

b. Before cutting the top, I removed the waistband completely from the skirt. After this was completed, I double-checked my chalk marks again and cut the top.
c. I hemmed the bottom raw edge and the side seams, leaving the neckline raw. From there I took the waistband and centered the button on the neckline. I attached the lower side to the neckline with handstitching.
d. I measured it around my neck and pinned it to fit comfortably like a choker. After that, I sewed a seam. I attached a hook and eye to the button area to hold it in place better on the neckline.
e. Lastly, I added darts coming from the sides.
Step 2: Sleeves

a. I started with the flannel and took a seam ripper to detach the sleeves from the body of the garment.

b. Once the sleeves were removed, I took the cuff-side and thin strips from the flannel to create a form of attachment to the top. I threaded the strip through the button holes on the cuff. I tied a knot and then handstitched the knot to the armpit seam on the top. Making sure to leave enough space for movement in the arms.
Step 3: Skirt

a. I took the skirt from the suit and cut it to land right above the knee. Taking the buttons off the bottom-half.

b. I then cut random sized triangle strips from the flannel, cut skirt piece, and jacket from the suit. Once I had a wide variety I arranged them on the skirt then stitched them into place.

Costume Complete! Now for makeup and hair:
My friend Tara did my makeup. She used a variety of makeup, a lot of which I bought at Ulta, Target, and a Halloween store.
For my hair, I added some extra volume to my bangs and then teased the rest of my hair. I gathered parts of it and then pinned it back loosely.

Now I'm sure everyone who is reading this is DYING to see the finished product, so here it is!!

That's all I have Sunshines! I hope you enjoyed following me through the process of creating this design.
xoxo Sunshines!