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Setting Year Goals

Hey there Sunshines!

We all know how the "New Years Resolutions" thing works. Everyone chooses something they want to change for the year. These range from losing weight to getting a new job. I personally have never been a fan of resolutions due to actual definition;

- A firm decision to do or not to do something.

I find it somewhat unrealistic to just instantly or forcefully just stop cold turkey on something without some type of goal in mind. That's why I choose to instill goals for the year. Let's take a look at the definition of "goal";

- The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

It is so much more productive to set a goal rather than something general with resolutions. Don't get me wrong, I don't think people who set resolutions are terrible people or anything, but from personal experience. I prefer goal setting. This being said, I decided to share a fun way to set your goals. So buckle up my friends!

Year of Goals List:

*A list with a set theme to make some new memories and a new you.

Step 1: Decide on a year "theme". With each year (3 yrs I've done this) I've chosen a set theme for my goal list. (ie: Faith, Creativity, MY year, New Beginnings, etc...)

Step 2: Start compiling a list of goals to complete by the end of the year. Keep it to a reachable number of goals! (I try to not exceed 20 excluding sub-categories.)

Step 3: Title it! I've kept mine pretty basic "Year of 2016 Goals" and so on.

Step 4: Find a photo you love that makes you want to look at it! I drift more towards nature and colorful pieces.

Step 5: Come up with a year "motto", highlighting it somehow to make it standout. I keep it pretty simple by "This is my year of Creativity!".

Step 6: Post it literally EVERYWHERE. I print out larger copies for walls, smaller copies for my purse and planner, photo on Facebook, and photo on my phone.

And that's it! You've successfully completed a list of New Year Goals. :D Take a look below to see mine (including 2018). :D

Plus, once the year is over, you can mark everything you completed and share it with people! Or just stare at it with satisfaction.

The beauty of it, you don't have to complete every goal and you won't beat yourself up about it. Because lets face it, life happens.

xoxo Sunshines!


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