Artist Exercise
Hey there Sunshines!
Recently I was asked to teach a friend how to design for a class of her's. At first I was like, "How in the world am I supposed to just teach someone to design?". It's not an easy concept when you think about it. There are sooo many elements that play into it, I barely knew where to start.
Luckily my friend is already very artistic, so I was able to skip the first part of getting those creative juices working in full force. But then it hit me, not a whole lot of people know how to do that and I see it as a very useful skill to keep engaged.
Naturally I decided to share, what I think, is the best way to get your creativity booming. I came up with it on my own and use it daily. :)

Artistic Explosion Vision (let's shorten that to AEV):
*A fun and relaxed way to get your right brain active and see things in a new, creative light.
Let's get started:
Step 1: Shut EVERY distraction off! No one can ever fully focus their energy if your Facebook Messenger is pinging from that oh so irritating group chat of 20 people.
Step 2: Find a quiet/relaxing place. I find nature and sitting in my room to be the best spots.
Step 3: Shut your eyes, completely! It helps to not see something that could pull your focus away.
Step 4: Take some deep breaths to clear your mind and get settled.
Step 5: Start using each of your senses (besides sight) to help build your imagination. Feel your surroundings, smell the atmosphere, listen to the sounds, etc...
Step 6: Keeping your eyes shut, let your mind build images in your head. Trust me, if you let it, your mind will amaze you.
Step 7: After awhile goes by, open your eyes briefly and take in what you see lightly. Keep repeating this until you start seeing things in a new way.
That's it! Do AEV for as long as you want to and your creativity will remain active. But just to make things interesting, here's some other things you could do to help!
1. Add music to the adventure! I always enjoy playing Celtic Woman (Awakening is a personal fave) or something along those lines to set my mind's "theme".
2. Surround yourself with art and creative things.
3. Keep a blank piece of paper/canvas in front of you so you can help your mind develop what you want.
Most importantly! Let your mind WORK, don't force it in a direction. No mirror pep talks needed here, just you and your mind.
Now go out and set your right brain free!! :D
xoxo Sunshines!