Vamping Up My Graduation Cap
Hello Sunshines!
It has been so long since my last super fun post that I figured it is time to share a fun craft project I took on with my graduation cap! To vamp it up, I decided to decorate it with my university reveal logo.
Hope you enjoy!!
E6000 Translucent Glue or GemTac Clear Drying Glue
Gemstones (I used red/maroon and white gems)
Ultra-Thin Sharpies
Print out of school logo on regular printer paper
X-Acto Knife
Newspaper or cardboard
Cutting board
Sewing pins
Step 1: Lay out your newspaper or cardboard on the surface you're working on. Make sure the area you are working in has good ventilation.
Step 2: Cut the print-out logo as close to image/words as possible. Then lay it out on the graduation cap to see how you want it placed and if it fits.
Step 3: Take your cutting board, logo/stencil, and X-Acto knife. Carefully start cutting the letters (darker part of print-out) out to have a separate letter. For the image/mascot, cut the white/light parts out to create a stencil with the dark/black area.
**Hint: I had to leave some light parts in the mascot to ensure the stencil wouldn't fall apart.

Step 4: Once your stencils are created you can lay it out on the hat to see how you want it. Once it is in the place you want it, pin the letters and mascot in place so it doesn't move around.
**I added some gemstones to the corners to give it a little extra bling as well.

Step 5: Start placing gemstones in places as a marker of specific curves and to accent the lettering.

Step 6: Now take a sharpie and trace out your stencils. Make the line visible for you. Once this is completed, you can unpin and remove your stencils.

Step 7: Start using a variety of sizes in gemstones to fill in the drawn parts without exceeding outside of the line. (Try to cover up the lines best you can though.)

Step 8: Clean up any residue or glue flakes off the hat and let it dry specified by the glue. (I let it dry overnight.)
It's complete!!! You have created a revamped graduation cap to show off your college choice to the world (or any form of spirit on your cap).

That's it sunshines! I used my cap as a source to announce which college I chose. I am so excited to call myself a Missouri State Bear! I wanted to showcase my creativity in my hat, so bedazzling it fit the criteria. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you give it a try too!

xoxo Sunshines!