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Broken Mirror (Part One)

Hello Sunshines!

Today I want to get a little deeper and take a look at a piece of beauty within all of us. This is a part of a book I'm writing and I want to share it with all of you (bare with me, I'm still working on polishing this). :)

Prologue: When It Shatters, It Shatters.

Imagine this scenario:

You're quickly using the restroom and when you come out you stare in the mirror while washing your hands. The girl (or boy) next to you has a few tears running down their cheek. You want to ask what was wrong, but you're not sure if it that is okay to do. Before you finally manage to get the words out to ask if she's okay a group of girls come in laughing. They stare at her and say the piercing words to the poor the girl, "You're too ugly for that mirror, you broke it."

Now this scenario isn't nearly as common as it was when I was in middle school, but unfortunately equally harsh statements are made to young girls and boys today. It's in a place where only peers will see it happen. They won't know how to react because in such a situation, no one does because they've been told something similar at one point making them feel defenseless.

So what do you we do? Usually, glance at them and say "Don't listen to those girls, they're super wrong about you." or "You are absolutely beautiful, don't listen to them." These statements, although helpful, still don't repair or console the damage done after you leave. She will still be standing in there. Standing in front of the mirror, hurt. The tears will still fall and then when she looks in the mirror, all she can see is what the harsh words stated, ugly.

Now put yourself in this situation. The broken mirror you see is one where it will never be repaired and you are told you are the one who broke it. The worst part? You start to believe this statement is true, your outer appearance has caused this mirror to break. At this point, you not only tear your outer-appearance up, but you start to rip apart the inside as well. You tell yourself that since the reflection depicts how ugly you are physically, it has to depict how ugly you are on the inside as well.

This creates the image of a shattered mirror in your eyes, but most of all, your heart. The comment made has caused you to shatter the outside and inside. A falsehood has become truth to you in your eyes. This damaging truth has completely taken over your ability to see and shards of glass have stabbed you in the heart. It feels like no kind words could ever heal the hurt caused. You are shattered and looking at something that is now, shattered.

That's all I have for today sunshines! Check back next week for another part!

xoxo Debbie :)


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