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Body Goals?

We've all heard those horrible words and degrading photos that magazines and other sources can put out there about our bodies towards all of us. We have to be honest, some are pretty great, they can be uplifting! But then you get to those that really make you feel, well, like absolute crap when you look at yourself.

We all know the process of what you do after we encounter one of those moments. First we look up more than we can handle healthy food recipes and diets. Then we move on to the "life-changing" workout moves brought to you by those "lovely" sources that degraded us in the first place. Finally, we just jump right on in to the routine, but only to find ourselves either giving up or not getting the results promised....

I've been there. We've all been there. I'm not ashamed nor should you be to loudly point out that at some point in your life, they got to you and you fell into their trap. It's okay, I promise. Like I mentioned in my "Journey to Being Strong" post, I struggled with being little. Still am.

So what is body goals? Well at first I always thought it was whatever was trending. Then I really had a 1 on 1 with myself (yes, I'm that weird lol) and realized that body goals are what I want for MY body. Not what everyone else wants to see. That's when I found the picture below and told myself "THAT"S what I want! I want to be that ripped and strong." I find a body like that to be appealing to me only because I quite literally love lifting and getting buffer (lol).

What's appealing to you sunshines? Tell me your body goals, I support you and believe in you. What are your thoughts? I want to know! Each of your opinions matter to me. xoxo


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