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Things I Do When: I'm Sick

Oh that awful moment when you wake up one morning and feel oh so uneasily different. Let's be real, no one likes to be sick, even if it's just a minor cold or stomach ache. Every bit of it is not enjoyable. To the medicine to no energy to do anything to no motivation, we hate it all. So I decided to share some of the things I do when I get sick.

1. Movie marathon: Ohhhhh yes! I love watching as many movies as I can when I'm sick, it's the perfect time to do it too! It gets your mind off the pain.

2. Tea drinking and lavender filled bath: This is by far my favorite combo for when I'm sick! I make either Sleepytime, Chamomile, or Ginger-Lemon tea then draw a bath with Dr. Teal's lavender salts or bubble bath. Both are extremely relaxing together.

*Hint* Add in dim lights, relaxing harp music, a facial mask, and a candle to double the relaxation!

3. Blanket party: So this might be lame but I like to take as many blankets as I can and see how I can place them to make it look like a party...Then I curl up under them...Sweet bliss for when you're sick.

4. Orange juice and detox smoothie/water: Ever heard of the "at-home remedy" for sickness? Orange juice is legit. Better yet? Use orange juice as your water for your smoothies. You could also cut up oranges, lemons, and limes to add to your water for a detox bonus!

*Hint* Add Wheat Grass to your smoothies to really boost your detox!

5. Homework slumber: So this might be a bad thing to tell you to do, but whenever I'm sick I pull out my main boring subject with school and before I know it, I'm passed out! It's a nifty trick to get healthy faster, just not to get your homework done.

So what do you think sunshines? Ever tried any of these before? Or do you have special tricks you do to get better? I wanna hear your answers! :D xoxo


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