Inspiration Shopping
If there is one thing I love to do, it is shopping for inspiration. The aisles of the store are endless. Ideas can be found everywhere (literally)! It could be music, people, places, nature, animals, etc... The options are endless! Just the other day I was wandering around a fabric store and found some "drop-dead-gorgeous!" patterns that I could so play with and design clothes based on! I loved them so much I decided to share some with you! As well as some other inspirational things to make your heart sing! Enjoy sunshines! :D

I absolutely fell in love with mint-colored floral print on this shiny white fabric!

This black and white floral fabric captured my eyes! It's so delicate looking!

Who doesn't love sparkly blue butterflies and swirly things on shear fabrics?!
Let's talk music! I can't get over how inspirational instrumental songs can be!!! This is a judgement free zone, but Barbie movies from the earlier days have the BEST arrangements of music. Not to mention my favorite composer of all time has some amazing music as well!
1. Heartbeat by Carrie Underwood (Instrumental)
2. 12 Dancing Princesses Theme Song
3. Swan Lake Waltz - Tchaikovsky
4. Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairy - Tchaikovsky
5. Waltz Of The Snowflakes - Tchaikovsky
Finally, the season of Autumn (since it's still fall that is)!

Now go find what makes your heart sing loves! I wanna know what inspires you! xoxo :D :D