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Hopelessly Romantic

Oh.My.Word. I'm going to talk about the most annoying trait to have on the planet! (Or almost the most annoying.) We all know those people who watch a cute love scene and instead of cringing, they sit there gawking. Well I'm here to inform you, I'm one of those people. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic.

The amount of things I could tell you about being a hopeless romantic is endless. Some have even told me they wish they were because that means they'd be more romantic.

But let me get down to the "nitty gritty" with you about the REAL side of being a hopeless romantic.

1. You are CONSTANTLY complaining about being single. This is by far the worst, because even when you don't want a relationship, you find yourself whining about it.

2. Whenever someone shows any interest, you POUNCE like a panther. Not only is it problematic to come on so strong, but if the love interest is a total jerk, you chase them anyway.

3. You CRAVE the simple things, that aren't so simple nowadays. Every hopeless romantic dies for things like a spontaneous letter or the love interest to make the first move.

4. A BASIC compliment can be self-destructive. It's bad enough we already have it bad for the person, but when they actually compliment you? It's like setting off every romantic emotion in your body...Controlling it is almost impossible.

5. We DIE to have a huge romantic act. Ever seen those movies where the guy decides he loves her and runs to the airport to stop the love of his life from getting away? Oh yea, hopeless romantics physically die inside for that to happen.

Those are just some of things that totally suck when you're a hopeless romantic. On the plus side, there are quite a few advantages. But that's for another time. ;)

~ xoxo sunshines


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