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Stupid Cupid?

For those of you spending Valentine's Day alone, you might be like "Yaaaas, single life!" or you might be like, "Whhhhhyyyyyyy!!!!!! Cupid you're so cruel to mee!" Either way, I totally get you! I've been alone every Valentine's Day and I have to say, it's sooo overrated.

Between the flowers, candy, stuffed animals, and overly priced fancy cards, Valentine's Day has me go BLEH! Every. Single. Year. Even for those of you who are in a relationship, you could also be hella fed up with this "stereotype" of what this day should be like.

So whether you're single or your significant other isn't there with you right now, I think we all can agree that the standards for Valentine's Day has gone out of control! It has some of us just in a scream fest because of it.

But hey, there's still plenty you can do on this holiday that's just equally as fun. For example, I recently attended an Anti-Valentine's Day. There was a mix of single and taken people there. We played improv games, danced, and of course, we all look hella goth/emo. I, however, went for a more "Victorian Goth" which is one of my fave outfit inspirations!

Another fun thing you can do is just get with friends and enjoy a dance party, good movie, baking for one-another, or dinner party! Why not even get creative and make all your closest buds gifts?

Doing something custom and personal for someone makes you and that person feel so good! Which is what we should be on a holiday such as this one!

So nah gurl (or boi), you don't need anyone to make this day special because you already have by being your special self! Happy Valentine's Day lovelies!

xoxo Sunshines!


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