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Number on Me

So, I'm about to get personal with all of you. About 11 months ago I met an amazing person...Or at least that's what I thought. Yes, I was played, by a play that I promised myself I would never fall for, ever. For my and his benefit, I will change the names. Let's call him...Niles Cortell.

It all started last year in July 2016. I was hosting an event at my church and had quite a lot of military-related people helping out. It was so fun and the turn out was a lot more than I expected. Flash forward about 1 month, Niles and I start talking.

We really hit it off and had a lot in common. We both enjoyed working out, gaming, different kinds of music genres, and more. Unfortunately, our goofy conversations had to come to a close because he was off to boot camp...

I wrote him 2 letters while he was gone...never got a reply, but I just assumed he was too busy to answer (mistake #1). When he finally returned from boot camp, I congratulated Niles on his success and we slowly worked back into talking. At one point we saw each other again and after that we messaged each other, flirty and goofy.

Then he was gone for job training...until the summer.

We didn't talk for a little while, but then the dreaded month of March came along. We were talking a lot again and discovering more about each other, which was great. At this point I had liked him for 8 months and known him for about 10 months. I thought he liked me too, but also felt he was drifting from me (mistake #2, truth #1).

One day I got the guts to just tell him I liked him...and oh boy it didn't go well. His reasons for rejecting me? 1. The age gap (literally 1 year apart) and 2. He can't do a long-distance relationship for 4 years (I get that, but I wasn't asking for you to date me right then and there?).

Now let me tell you the issues...

#1: At the very beginning we started talking, he doubted me. He said that I wouldn't be able to take him (like, in a fight). Even though he said it "wasn't because I was small" and it's because he's a blackbelt in martial arts. THAT in fact, is an insult within an insult. It should've been Bad Sign #1 for me.

#2: He never answered my letters. Even though they have limited time at boot camp to answer letters, they get time to do it...So in 13 weeks he could NEVER answer a single letter? I don't think so. I would've been cool if all he did was say, "answer all these questions when I get back."

#3: He would send photos of him shirtless...Okay, since when did girls say they love it when guys do this?

#4: At one point, he told me of his past and how terrible he treated women...His honesty shocked me, which got me to like him....Turns out he had something else in mind.

#5: When I confessed my feelings, he said he "can't friendzone girls because it takes away options." Uhhhhh, player much?

So, long story cut way short, a player of all sorts found his way to grab me and leave me stranded. I never felt that pain before, I felt tricked and betrayed. He did what he wanted, he left a mark on my life. It's taken me until now to slowly start to get over him, but there isn't a day that goes by I don't feel the pain. I see his face once in awhile and it kills me to know I let him in my life.

He did a number on me...But it's okay, because I know he missed out on an amazing relationship. He lost an amazing friend. He will never earn it back. So yes, he did 1 number on me, which isn't a lot.

Until next time! xoxo Sunshines.


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