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Why I Pray

So most of you are probably wondering why I haven't posted in awhile and what this title means. Well, I've hit a serious "Writers' Block" for the past month or so. The title? I'm doing a Religious Emblem to learn more about my faith and I also wanted to just share with you guys why I pray and what it does for me.

Reasons why:

1. I love God - regardless of how hard I tried when I was younger, I always came out in love with Him. He has been there for me, even when I didn't lead a very strong prayer life.

2. Singing is prayer - I used to hate singing in front of people. But now, I love it. It made me even happier to know I can sing songs of praise and that's considered praying.

3. It comforts me - whenever I felt down, scared, or any unsettling emotions I could feel God stronger. Once I started leading a stronger prayer life, I feel more comforted with talking to Him.

4. It makes me happy - I was always happy, but never fully happy. Ever since I started praying more, I feel so much happier every day.

5. He listens - I know how strange it is to just talk out to someone you feel like you can't see. It's awkward, trust me I know. But once you start and get going with it, you realize he loves hearing your voice and you see how he answers your prayers.

6. I'm at peace with myself - I really can't muster up the words for this one. It's hard to explain how it happens, but it does...Something about talking to Him, the one person who knows all and knows me fully gives me peace of mind.

7. It feels powerful - when you really get into it, like really pull in all of you and all your focus is on speaking with Him, it feels like the world stops and it's only the two of you. It always feels like he just digs into every wounded crevice of your soul/heart and repairs it.

8. It helps - I'm the kind of person that finds it particularly hard to open up to people, even those closest to me. The very idea of letting out everything is uncomfortable to me. But that never stops me from trying my hardest to tell God all of it. I find it has helped me find comfort in opening up.

9. It destroys me - don't take this wrong. But real, true prayer can physically, emotionally, and mentally destroy you. The best part about that is God wastes no time in fixing you right back up. The Holy Spirit rips you open, your pains spill out like a waterfall, and God takes them all. The best feeling in the world is crying from the overwhelming love you feel afterwards.

10. I feel alive - okay, so obviously I'm alive. But my spirit used to feel dead and ever since I really started leading a more faithful life I've experienced being fully alive. I know I can conquer anything with God by my side and with Him there, I will always be safe & happy.

I feel like that about covers my reasons for praying. I hope this inspires some of you to be more open and expand your faithful life! xoxo Sunshines!


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