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Inspiration Hour (1)

If you ever wanted to take a look into how my mind comes up with my design ideas, well now is your chance. I've decided that every time I feel inspired by little things, I would post them and share how they connected (does that make any sense? lol). So sit back and get ready to explore my creativity.

Hint 1: So at 12 AM I was staring at the photo of the flower above (more like zoned out) and within seconds I had a huge "Inspiration Bomb" explode. Something about the shape and colors hit me hard and instantly inspired 5 new designs. Yup, I said five.

If you think about it, the pink-ombre, white, and hint of yellow from the petals REALLY compliment each other. Not to mention the shape of the petals are actually the perfect shape when looking at it from a fabric perspective.

Hint 2: The song Despacito (prefer Spanish version, but both are good) has really grown on me over the past few days. Well, today, while listening to the song, I ended up drifting off into a daydream and BAM there's the 5th design I was trying to sort out in my head.

I'm a Ballroom Dancer in my free-time (by that I mean I take lessons, lol) so this song reminded me of Latin Motion dancing and it inspired one heck of a costume. I think my instructor would even approve.

Click here to listen to the exact one that inspired me.

There you have it! Hope you enjoyed taking a spin in my creativity.

xoxo Sunshines!


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