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Party Idea: Outdoor Movie

Hey there Sunshines!

I think a fun and exciting post on my blog is long overdo, what do you think? It's time to for me to share a great way to get with your friends, even during the early fall months (especially then).

An Outdoor Movie Party is easy and literally the most fun I have had on a budget, ever. I plan on hosting one super soon (pictures to come) after attending one at my library. I then took it to the goddess of creativity/ideas, Pinterest, and brought it up to some friends. Here's what I came out with:

What you need;

Projector, screen, laptop with movie playing capability, speakers, blankets, outdoor pillows/seating, food, drinks, music playlist before movie starts, a darn good movie, and invites sent out to your friends!

Invitations: So many ways and options for this one. You could do a Facebook event, Snapchat it, email, mass text it out, or actually handout/mail invitations. (I personally prefer the cheaper side of things...#collegestudentbudget lol.)

Seating: Legit the photo below is goals, but realistically, ask your friends to bring comfy things to sit on and have some blankets/pillows offered to those who might forget. :)

Screen: If you don't have a screen, the photo below has a great DIY idea to make your own. Not to mention Pinterest has 1000's of ideas just waiting for you to crack open.

Food: Ohhh man how I went a little crazy with this one. The 3 below are my top faves. You could even dumb it down a little and still be the most bomb party host to your friends.

****Drooling right now!****

The icing on top of the cake, I swear.

Drinks: This is also VERY essential to every party. Pinterest was perfect for coming up with much more budget-worthy ideas too. :D


Music Playlist: Now we need to start this party right. What better way to do that with a bomb music playlist? Spotify is my favorite for playing random mixes my friends will all love! Here's one of my faves:

Christian Dance Party Done Different to a whole new level! :) B l e s s whoever made this playlist, I swear.

Movie: This is a hard one. Trying to satisfy all with your movie choice? WOO that's some serious pressure. But hey, you can always send out a list of 5 movie choices and have your friends pick their top 3. ;) Here's my 10 ideas for you:

1). Sing

2). Zootopia

3). Kung Foo Panda (gotta love this comedy)

4). The Secret of Moonacre Valley

5). Boss Baby

6). The Lego Batman Movie (no regrets)

7). The Lego Movie

8). The Holy Grail

9). 50 First Dates (for that Rom-Com)

10). The Avengers

That's just 10 of the many, many movie ideas I have for you. But I can't make this post too long.

At this point I'd say you're pretty set with your party. I can't wait to share my photos from my party with all of you! If you host one, please share your experience with me!!! I'd love to hear from you. :)

xoxo Sunshines!


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