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The One

Happy Sunday Sunshines!

Ever since I got into college I have been giving a lot of thought into relationships and love. I swear the exact SAME questions keep popping up: "Am I really ready for a relationship?" and "What the heck is love and how do I find it?". These have been beating my head constantly, especially when I like someone.

Then just recently I came up with, what I think, is the best description of a REAL relationship and love. I mean come on, we all want that love the movies highlight to give us unrealistic views of how it should be, so why don't I throw something in that could either help or confuse the life out of you. WOO!


To put it quite frank, relationships are work, time, and energy with a large dosage of emotions and a sprinkle of noob (yup, I said that). So how do you know if you're ready? Honestly, I barely know, but I do know your gut feeling is almost always right in this situation.

Example! You meet a super cute guy at a library (this actually happened in real life), you talk for like 5 minutes, and then he asks for your number. You get that instant butterfly feeling where you actually might vomit. And you're not sure if it's excitement or just plain fear for your safety. DON"T GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER! Like seriously, I did this, and I greatly regretted it. Turns out I wanted to vomit out of fear, but you know, brain tricks. *sigh*

My best advice? Take it SLOW. There really isn't any reason to rush anything. Yes, I know there's all this stigma of first kisses and boyfriends/girlfriends, but seriously, rushing makes it worse. I can say this from experiences in the past (future posts).

*cough cough* Refer to my Flower Rule posted awhile back, it still works!


To break it down briefly, you need to love yourself fully before you can even love another. For the religious, you need to love God completely with all of you and yourself 100% before you can love another.

As a religious Catholic, I'm a firm believer (and just started to get serious about my faith) that we need to love God and ourselves fully before we can even think of loving another. Which is my goal right now.

I'm probably 75% of the way there, which is great start. Which means I am totally confused and lost when it comes to "Am I ready for a relationship?". Most of the time I just sit around, pray, and eat food while I wait for an answer. ;)

So there's my very broke down and condensed input on love and relationships. Hopefully it helps, if not, sorry for the confusion :P. But I can't wait to share more advice and stories with you each week until my love cord in my brain shuts itself off (lol).

xoxo Sunshines!


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