Homework Parties: Cool or Nah?
Hey Sunshines!
So most of you have probably guessed by the title what this post is about. I recently tried a new version of a party to add some "spice" to the mountain of college homework I receive each day. Did it work? Let me break down how it works first.

1. Invite friends with similar homework to do!
- I don't know about you, but I really enjoy doing homework with my friends. It helps liven up the boring Statistics equations (to be specific) and we can help each other succeed. :)
2. Get that hopping playlist!
- Music is crucial to setting the mood of any party. For me? I used Jesus Rap and inspirational music mixes to help get my friends motivated and awake.
3. Food
- We all know food is important to parties. But to college students wracking their brains while at a homework party, it's HIGHLY necessary. I ain't talking the cute tea party sandwiches either. I'm talking about pizza and Snapple tea.
4. Lots of space
- The amount of papers, books, supplies, etc... you need while doing homework is massive with college. So you need lots of space for you and your friends. Like, a whole room, including furniture and floor.
5. A set goal
- Friends are distracting. Bottom line. So it's a real good idea to set a small goal for homework/studying to complete at this party BEFORE you go. So set it with your friends.

Was it successful? To be honest, it's hard to see "homework" and "party" as a good mix. But I made it possible. The first one is definitely a little rocky, but after that? It's a blast. You just gotta know how to be the "life" of a considered "lifeless" party (check!).
So overall, 10/10 will definitely do it more.
xoxo Sunshines!