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The Bro Code: Female Edition

Hello Sunshines!

Guess what!? My amazing best friend, Jessica, has joined in on this blog post with me! We're so excited to bring you the Bro Code: Female Edition to ensure your friends and you ask the "tough" questions and stick to the "code".

Ladies, what you're about to read is...


So we all know this scenario where we meet this great guy and we're just falling harder than the flower pot you knocked over as a kid (I see you guilty ones). We start to think, "There just can't be anything wrong with this one!" But girl you should BEWARE and walk yourself through these steps before you give your heart to a "Non-Laster" (it's a thing I promise).

1. Ask those tough questions. Get a friend you trust and knows you. Have them ask you each of these questions. That friend will be honest and tell you if there's any SLIGHT hesitation.

*NOTE! You can opt out of #2 if it doesn't apply to your beliefs.*

The Tough Questions:

  1. Do you like him or the idea of a relationship of him? Or both?

  2. Does he encourage you in your walk with Christ? Not just going to church with, but actually being invested in your walk with the Lord.

  3. Do you share similar boundaries?

  4. How does your future look (kids, location, work, etc.) with this guy?

  5. How does his life work into yours right now?

  6. Overall integrity?

  7. Does he pass the best friend approval (aka Background Check)?

2. Make a list. Don't just focus on those "Pros" of that special someone, get those "Cons" out and list them both! You need to see all the good, and bad.

3. Examine how he flirts. Time to pull out that observation eye and profile how this person flirts. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable?

4. Don't talk about him all the time. Turns out, the more you talk about someone, the more you like them. So stop that continuous infatuation talk and see where the truth lies.

5. Don't talk Every. Single. Day. Guess what? The more you talk to him, the more you like him. It doesn't give you any time or space to evaluate your feelings fully if you talk constantly.

6. Don't sacrifice your life and dreams for him. Girl, if you're sacrificing a lot of time and energy to get it going, you need to STOP. Yes relationships, even friendships, require time and effort, but they shouldn't interfere with your life and dreams in a major way.

7. Does he listen? Biggest thing is making sure he cares enough to listen to you. Even when he doesn't know what you mean by "her style is like a bad New Year's Eve kiss." He should every part of you interesting or worth listening to.

8. Does he respect your space? He should have zero problem with you taking a day or two to yourself without talking to people. Better yet, he shouldn't text you MORE when you're hanging with the girls.

9. Who has more effort put into your relationship? You or him? Equal between the two of you?

10. Support in all things. Bottom line, he should encourage your crazy ideas or loving personality. Unless you're going to harm yourself or be in danger or put yourself in a bad situation.

If you survive all these steps and your friends are standing by your side, GET IT GIRL!

xoxo Sunshines!

Until next time,

Debbie & Jessica


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