Left on Read
It's time. I have finally reached my wits end of conversations online and being left on read. Don't get this post wrong though, it isn't a rant. More like a post on just proper polite behavior. Because I totally get it, life gets in the way and prevents a polite answer sometimes. I've done it before.
But here's the peeve of it all. Why leave someone on read forever? I get for a little while, but forever until you start the conversation again? Something has got to be addressed!
I know, I know, this is much more intense than my usual post and I should be more chill about it. Trust me, I'm completely chilled about it, just annoyed. Like why would you want to just leave someone hanging on "Read" or "Seen" forever? There are so many thoughts that run through your head;
(1). Did I say something wrong?
(2). Shoot they're mad at me!
(3). I wonder why they're taking so long....
That's just a few thoughts! Don't even get me started on the anxiety it gives someone. Especially when you like the person!! Ugh...
I don't know how else to say this except, don't, for the love of goodness, leave people on "Read" or "Seen" on purpose. Just say you can't talk.
xoxo Sunshines!